
Pop-ups—feats of paper engineering—are endlessly fascinating. One paper engineer told me he began making pop-ups because girls liked them. What a way to flirt!

I started with simple projects, such as this book of different pop-up forms.

Pop-Up Samples


Later, I tried a more complex project. This pop-up book pops out of its own case. 

Pop-Up Book in Clamshell Case

The clamshell binding above is a medieval structure used historically with illuminated manuscripts. As the outer case opens, the strings tighten, causing the book to lift out of the interior case in which the book rests.

Inside the book, I experimented with watercolor illustrations with various kinds of paper mechanisms. This lobster has a three-dimensional shell and claws that move.

Pop-Up Lobster

Pop-ups continue to grow more complex and interesting, so there's always more to learn.